Winter 2010 Doctoral Seminar
Posted on
February 20, 2010 in
Doctoral Seminars

This coming week we'll be hosting our next doctoral seminar. Paper topics are listed below. Click here for a PDF of abstracts.
- Apocalypse and Forgetting in Russell T. Davies’ Doctor Who, by Andy Crome
- Martyn on Galatians 3:27-8 by Steven Mcbay
- The Problem of ‘Religious Experience’ with Reference to Soren Kierkegaard and Muhammad Iqbal by Sevcan Mirik
- Imagining the End of History with Hegel by Clare Greer
- Derrida and Supplementary Writing by Mohsen Ghasemi
- The Ideologised Middle by Theodros Teklu
- Metz on Dangerous Memory by Kyle Gingerichhiebert
- Educating for Tolerance, Remembering to Forget by Ruth Hadley