Lincoln Theological Institute: special issue of Modern Believing, on Patriotism

Peter Manley Scott, Director of the Lincoln Theological Institute, has guest edited the October 2012 issue of Modern Believing: The Journal of Theological Liberalism. The title of this special issue is "Theology and Patriotism". It contains several of the papers which were presented at the second conference in the Lincoln Theological Institute's "A Shaking of the Foundations: Reconsidering Civil Society" series, along with a longer paper by Nigel Biggar.
This conference, held of 19th May 2012, was entitled "Patriotism?", and examined the themes of loyalty, identity and cohension in a religiously plural and culturally differentiated Britain.
The paers in the special issue are:
Nigel Biggar, "The Value of Limited Loyalty: Christianity, the Nation, and Territorial Boundaries."
Stephen Backhouse, "Patriotism, Nationhood and Neighbourhood."
Anthony G. Reddie, "Being the Enemy Within: Re-Asserting Black 'Otherness' as a Riposte to the Homogeneous Construction of Whiteness."
Doug Gay, "Patriotism Good - Nationalism Bad? The News from Scotland."
The special issue is available for non-subscribers to buy from the Modern Believing website.
Additionally, LTI students Sam Jackson and Charlie Pemberton's report on the conference, "Patriotism? A Set of Questions" appears in Anvil 28.2 (August 2012), part of a special issue on Englishness and Britishness.
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