Intersex, Identity and Disability project: Intersex conditions and healthcare chaplaincy

As part of the Intersex, Identity and Disability project at the Lincoln Theological Institute, Dr Susannah Cornwall is currently undertaking a survey of healthcare chaplains and chaplaincy assistants in Britain in order to learn more about the existing training and resourcing provided for those involved in pastoral and spiritual care for people with intersex conditions and, in particular, for parents whose children are born with intersex conditions/DSDs. She hopes to learn what kinds of additional training resources healthcare chaplains would most highly value in this area.
To find out more about this aspect of the project, or to be added to the mailing list to receive updates, please e-mail
Other areas of the project continue. Dr Cornwall has now begun to conduct one-to-one interviews with people in Britain who identify as intersex and Christian in order to find out more about the interactions between their intersex condition and their faith identity. If you or anyone else you know might be interested in taking part in this area of research, either with a face-to-face interview or by filling in a questionnaire, please see the advertisement for research participants for more details - or simply contact Susannah Cornwall in confidence at the e-mail address above.