Forthcoming talks and presentations

Forthcoming talks and presentations by Susannah Cornwall:
4th May 2013, 10am-3.30pm, Lang Cafe, 65 West 11th Street, New York, NY. Queering Christianities Conference, New School, New York City: "Queering Susanna: Art, Liturgy and Queer 'Emptiness'"
19th May 2013, 1pm, Captain's Cabin, 4 Norris Street, London SW1Y 4RJ. Vagabonds group, St James' Piccadilly, London: "Intersex"
"1 in 2,500 people has an intersex condition, meaning that their body cannot be unproblematically categorized as male or female. Theological accounts of sex, gender and sexuality often assume sex is binary and stable, but what if this is not the case? In this session, we'll discuss some of the specificities of intersex conditions, learn what intersex Christians have said about the interactions between their intersex identity and their Christians identity, and explore what the implications might be for people of faith."
1st June 2013, Hidden Perspectives / LaDIYfest Sheffield festival: "Hidden in Plain Sight: Intersex, the Bible, and Social Assent"
"Hidden Perspectives is a large-scale pioneering public engagement project that aims to open up interpretations of biblical narratives to underrepresented groups. The project is a jointly organised by Dr. Katie Edwards at The University of Sheffield and LaDIYfest Sheffield.
Hidden Perspectives encourages inclusive discussion on dominant interpretations of biblical texts and narratives found in scholarship and mainstream culture. Working with groups and individuals from range of faith and non-faith backgrounds, this ambitious project aims to foster an atmosphere of inclusivity and diversity in which biblical texts can be interpreted."
26th July 2013, The Bible and the Social Sciences conference, University of Manchester: “Reading Bodies: Intersex, Homelessness, and ‘Marginal’ Interpretation”
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