
The University of Manchester
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
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Embodied Everyday

Click here to view 'Filled to the Brim', a booklet and outcome of the above project, led by Dr Wren Radford.

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Creating Desire?

What is the link between mythology and sexbots? In a collaborative project that brings together Classics, Biblical Studies, Theological Anthropology, and Cultural Critique, Drs Kate Cook (Leeds), Scott Midson (Manchester, LTI), and Holly Morse (Manchester) explore how technological designs for our future are strongly tied to mythological ideas from our past (and present). The project focuses on the figures of Pandora, Eve, and Roxxxy (the world's first sexbot) to explore how notions of creation and desire intertwine in our understandings of artificiality and gender. 

Work from this project has been presented at the University of Manchester Religions & Theology seminar on the 6th December 2018 (below), and will be presented at the University of Leeds Classics seminar on the 7th February 2019. 

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